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Curtis Mp3 Player Driver Download

среда 04 марта admin 33

To reformat all MP3 players on this platform please do the following. Connect the MP3 player to the USB port. Double click on the MP3 player hard drive icon that appears on the desktop. Double click on Applications. Double click on Utilities. Double click on the Disk Utility Icon. Select from the Source List on the left hand side of the MP3. The Curtis Model 1313 Handheld Programmer is a powerful and intuitive programming and diagnostic tool. The 1313 performs comprehensive programming and troubleshooting tasks for all vehicles that use Curtis programmable motor controllers or control systems.

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The code for these firmware image files are licensed underthe GNU General Public License (GPL).We believe in the philosophy ofFree Software,often also called open source software. We would like toencourage you to read the source code and modify it as you like,within the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License (GPL).

Development Code (Work In Progress)

Dave Gillham's automaticallyupdated firmware page allows you to obtain a ready-to-use firmware imageof the very latest developmental code.You may also obtain the very latest source code from ourCVS server (see below).

Firmware Download

An 'Image File' is a downloadable firmware image that is encoded inIntel-Hex (.HEX extension). See thefirmware upgrade instructions.The source code is provided with a Makefile, that will buildthis Intel-Hex file.
Latest Stable Firmware is: 0.6.90

RevDownload FilesDescription
0.6.90Image File:

Source Code:

Improved 'random' modes. Tree list works (file/dir browsing).Remembers which file was playing, rebooting no longer alwaysstarts back at the first song. Fixed little 'blips' of bufferedsound when switching between files. Many other bugs fixed!Display code cleaned up, much easier to modify forcustom display.
0.6.10Image File:

Source Code:

Improved FPGA timing is the main improvement in this rev, whichshould improve compatibility with more SIMMs.A minor bug was fixed in ID3 processing that would cause problemswith certain ID3 tags aligned on cluster boundaries(special thanks to Robert Staph who sent a MP3 file with one ofthese ID3 tags). More information is displayed at startup on theLCD, to help users troubleshoot with an LCD but no PC attached tothe serial port.
0.6.9Image File:

Source Code:

Fixed several bugs and improved simm detection. A small memorycorruption bug while moving to a new file if the old one was stillbeing read from the drive has been fixed (in 0.6.8 this would eventuallyresult in a lot of IDE errors requiring a reboot). A small memoryleak was also fixed. Improvements in the IDEdrivers recovery from bad sectors or other errors are included.Tom fixed the defaults for tone controls. The simm detection codeis redesigned to make fewer assumptions about simm types, whichallows some previously unusable simms to work (at reduced capacity).Other incompatible simms are now correctly detected. The simmtest command 'T' does more useful tests and usually prints moreuseful information.
0.6.8Image File:

Source Code:

FPGA rev 1.12, fixes long-standing problems with fan-out onsome critical signals (that the Xilinx software reported werefine.. shame on Xilinx). Also a few firmware bugs have beenfixed, and a significant SDCC C compiler bug was recentlyfixed, and this is the first rev compiled with the updatedSDCC C compiler.
0.6.7Image File:

Source Code:

FPGA rev 1.11, interface with 8051 redesigned with simpleraddress latch and new mini state machines to request andack the read cycle. At least in initial testing, this appearsto dramatically improve the player's stability.
0.6.6Image File:

Skf bearing engineering handbooks. Source Code:

More firmware bug fixes (mostly minor), and FPGA rev 1.10.Several people reported problems with FGPA ver 1.10, so thisrev may or may not work well on your board.
0.6.5Image File:

Source Code:

Bug fixes from 0.6.4. The play mode is again correctly displayed,and several other minor related problems are fixed (a custom SDCCcompiler peephole optimization was causing compiler errors).The tone frequency adjustments are now made in 1/3 octave steps.All tone parameters are checked for validity, so garbage in thenon-volatile parameters will no longer cause the player to runwithout making any sound. If you suffered any of these bugs from0.6.4, now's the time to upgrade!
0.6.4Image File:

Source Code:

It's been a long time in the making.. many performance improvementsand bugs fixes. This rev should be much more stable than all theprevious 0.6.x's. Directory scanning codeis faster. Many parts of the LCD navigation are improved (mostlythanks to Tom). Dave Johnson's dynamic TONE_ATTN idea is implemented,which allows full output voltage without losing the tone controls.Many new little features are also included, like random and sequentialplay over the entire drive, as well as individual directories.
Known bugs: TBD. Stability: TBD (your feedback is welcome) File:

Source Code:

Unzip the contents of the archive, run the trainer, and then the game. Resident evil 5 ps3 rom. Press F1 while in the main menu of the game.

Unstable.Zach added code that plays all the MP3 files on the harddrive, even if they're in subdirectories (up to 5 levels deep)!!There is some start-up delay as the code reads all the directorieson the drive. Ian added adjustment of the bass and trebleroll-off frequencies. File:

Source Code:

(Not Too) Unstable.Several people have reported that this rev is working well.This is the first revdeveloped entirely within CVS! Tom put in file_uncache, andIan added the redisplay to deal with the beta test displayproblem that shifts everything a couple pixels. Zach sentsome code that scans subdirectories (only prints theircontents for testing and isn't called yet) and I fixed afew bugs. This rev also has a fix to the FPGA that mightcure the problems that 0.6.2.G to have on rev Aboards. File:

Source Code:

Unstable, has problems on Rev A boards.A bug in the Makefile was fixed which would not completely rebuildthe code with an updated DRAM controller. I changed the buildprocess a bit to eliminate binary files, which is mostly to preparefor the transition to CVS. Developers should get this rev forthe fixed Makefile. If you've installed from the imagefile (not building from source), there's nothing new in this rev. File:

Source Code:

Unstable.Yet another firmware rev. We've had a lot of 0.6.2.x, so whynot start calling it 0.6.3.x? I did even more work on the DRAMcontroller and this latest rev adds some extra circuits toignore noise on the 8051's ALE signal. This seems to make theboard much more stable, though still not perfect. There areseveral other minor improvements in there. This rev alsoincludes Ian's latest work on the user interface. He's got someof the navigation with the arrow keys. You still can't navigateto the tone controls, but you can navigate to change betweenrandom and normal mode. Ian's making great progress on theuser interface and if you're interested in where it's headed,you should certainly try out this rev.
0.6.2.GImage File:

Source Code:

Unstable.Merged Ian's latest code. You can't adjust the treble and bass,as this rev moves towards the multi-screen approach, but it doens'thave the navigation features via arrow keys. That's coming soon.This rev also fixes a problem where the DSEG area was gettingvery full. I did some fiddling with the DRAM controller and thisrev might be more unstable that most. If you're a developer, youreally need to grab this rev for the DSEG fix. Ian would like somefeedback about the layout of the three screens (try to envisionbeing able to navigate to the fields using the up/down/left/rightbuttons). Other than trying it out to see what the upcoming userinterface may look like, normal users will probably want to staywith a previous rev for now. Developers must use this rev, as itis hard to add anything with the DSEG problem in 0.6.2.F.
0.6.2.FImage File:

Source Code:

Still Unstable.The display now shows the bitrate, sample frequency and stereo/monomode of each MP3 file as it plays. There is a status line on thetop that shows if the player is playing or paused, and if it'sin normal or random mode. I also re-arranged much of the displaycode to more-or-less do much of the display abstraction stuff thatwas discussed in the yahoo group a couple weeks ago. Also, theautomatic fallback to 0.1.2 (if no SIMM is installed) is workingagain.
0.6.2.EImage File:

Source Code:

Still Unstable.This rev contains a redesigned DRAM controller, which might helpwith some of the stability problems (hard to tell yet). Ian'smost recent additions to the display code are included, and apatch from Andy was added to make the bit2mcs utility workin windows.
0.6.2.DImage File:

Source Code:

Still Unstable.This rev includes Ian's recent display code that scrolls thefilename and gives a cool 'slider' bar for the volume. Iadded timers and low-level support for the tone controls.Nothing uses the timers just yet, but Ian has some cool plansfor the display.
0.6.2.CImage File:

Source Code:

Still Unstable ??.No new features since 0.6.2.A. More attempts to solve theremaining stability problems. I added a timeout check (andautomatic recovery) in the serial port transmit routine. Ialso hacked on the DRAM controller and added a very paranoidcircuit to monitor the 8051 bus and lock out DMA and DRAMrefresh for 32 cycles following opcode (or operand) fetchesof the six bytes that represent the MOVX instructions. This'circuit' is implemented in the soft-configured FPGA, so byinstalling this firmware, your board automatically gets thenew circuit. No physical changes are needed.
0.6.2.BImage File:

Source Code:

Still Unstable.No new features since 0.6.2.A. Many attempts to solve theremaining stability problems.. hard to tell if it'sstable since the problems happen very infrequently. Thisrev includes some preliminary planning (not used in anyway) for malloc and playlists. Developers interested inwriting playlist support should look at this code.
0.6.2.AImage File:

Source Code:

Still Unstable.The rev fixes more bugs and uses the non-volatile parms tostore the volume and random play state. This is the firstrev with a really working random mode, where you don't end uphearing the same 'random' sequence every time. The previousbutton still doesn't back up to the file just played in randommode.. that'll have to wait until playlists happen. File:

Source Code:

Unstable, but getting better.This rev fixes several bugs that were causing lock-ups or othercrashes. All 6 pushbuttons on the boardback. The simple (slow) previous file method used in earlierversions is back again, and random mode is implemented in the Ccode also. Volume adjustment works again, and the volume buttonsnow have auto-repeat. File:

Source Code:

Probably Unstable.Another developer release. Timer interrupt routine is working now,and it reads the pushbuttons on the board (though not all are properlysupported by the C code yet). Several minor bug fixes,though there there still seems to be quite a bit of unstablebehavior with play/pause. File:

Source Code:

Probably Unstable.Yet another developer release. The serial input parser isre-written and mostly converted to C (see parser.c). Thisrev supports three of the new display board's pushbuttons.The six on-board buttons aren't supported in this rev, becausethe new timer0 code isn't working yet. Part of Zach's modsto dir_read are included. The player still doesn't automaticallystart (I know, it'll be put back soon). This rev basicallylays the groundwork to begin adding more support of the newpushbuttons. File:

Source Code:

Probably Unstable.Added support for the display board's pushbuttons, includingprogrammable auto-repeat. The player now (finally) has interruptdriven serial I/O. Fixed several bugs, and many other minorchanges here and there. File:

Source Code:

Probably Unstable.This is the first C-based version that actually runs reasonablywell. The pushbuttons still aren't implemented in this rev, butit will respond to commands from the serial port. There is atiny bit of code to send messages to the LCD display board, whichbasically displays the long filename on the display when the filestarts playing. Inside this rev you'll also find the code thatruns on the JW-002 display board. Unlike the player, the JW-002isn't flash upgradable, so you'll need an EPROM programmer (andblank chips) if you want to hack on the JW-002's code.

Source Code:

Highly Unstable!More bugs fixed in the conversion to C. This rev will actually playthe first file. Because only the first file plays, it's still onlyuseful for developers who want to peek at the code, so no image file.The very latest sdcc from CVS is needed to successfully build the code.

Source Code:

Highly Unstable!Main program is converted to the SDCC C compiler!! It starts upand can more-or-less access the drive correctly. There are stillmany bugs to fix in the interface between the new C applicationand the AS31-based drivers.This rev won't even run correctly, so I'm not postinga ready-to-use image file. If you're interested in hacking onthe code (in C, not ASM), download this and take a peek at 'main.c'.While it doesn't actually work, it's very close.. File:

Source Code:

This rev adds non-volatile storage of the volume setting.
0.6.2Image File:

Source Code:

0.6.1.E has turned out to be pretty darn stable. Thisrev is very similar, but it fixes a bug in the STA013 test, wherethe test would fail if no simm is installed. Instead, it correctlyruns 0.1.2, which is 0.1.1 with all of the recent additions andbug fixes that are don't need a SIMM. 0.1.2 is updated to use thenew STA013 init that fixes the no-sound bug that occurs on someboards.
0.6.1.EImage File:

Source Code:

Beta Test. Fixes the no-sound bug andmany other bugs from 0.6.1. Still has an out-of-memory bug, wheresooner or later (sometimes over 24 hours) something goes wrongwith the memory manager. Keep an eye on those messages abouthow much memory is free between playing each file. There hasbeen a feature freeze for weeks now, so this beta version workspretty well.
0.6.1Image File:

Source Code:

Unstable. Update: three peoplehave reported problems.. looks like 0.6.1 isn't as stable aswe had hoped. The SIMMis now used to cache MP3 data, and the IDE reading speed isreasonably fast (will get 2-3 times faster in future revs), sothis is the first rev that can run from NiCd batteries. The pushbuttonsall work again (thanks to Tom Parker), and the code displayslong filenames (again, thanks to Tom). Memory leaks are fixed.The code should work with fragmented FAT32 volumes, so it's nolonger necessary to run defrag after you copy the files. Thereare few known bugs: files largerthan the SIMM are only played for the portion that fits in theSIMM. A tiny part of the last file is sometimes played atthe beginning of the next file. In some rare cases, a DMA erroroccurs and results in a audio glitch (you'll see a message aboutit if connected to the serial port).
0.6.0Image File:

Source Code:

Unstable. This isthe first release with the completely rewritten FAT32 and IDE andmemory manager code that supports caching with all of the SIMM.The pushbuttons don't work, typing 'QUIT' crashes (to get back tothe monitor, you must press 'S' during startup). Reading from thedrive is slow, partly because the IDE driver is still polled(interrupts will be used in a future rev), and partly because thereare lots of verbose debug messages. It should work with fragmentedFAT32 filesystems (untested). There is no attempt in thisrev to read the next file while the current one is still playing,so you'll get (very) long pauses between songs. This release isprimarily intended for developers to be able to hack on the code,and to give you a look at the new caching in action.
0.5.1Image File:

Source Code:

Stable.This version adds the volume buttons and the random mode. Italso adds a patch from Dave Johnson to fix the bugs with theplay/pause button. IDE slave mode is now supported, the startup will autodetect how the drive is configured. A copy of 0.1.1is included, if the SIMM isn't installed, it will automaticallyrun 0.1.1 instead of giving up. This version doesn't do muchbuffering and still requires the drive to be defragmented.
0.5.0Image File:

Source Code:

DRAM Test Version, works exactly like 0.1.1 (at least is supposed to) butuses a tiny part of the SIMM instead of a fifo in the FPGA.No new functionality is added.. this is a test release only.Please give it a try with your board, SIMM and hard drive.I am particularly interested to hear about success orproblems when used with laptop drives.
0.1.3See 0.6.4This version is embedded in 0.6.4, and it gets run automatically ifno SIMM is installed. Improved IDE initialization code from 0.6.xrevs is back-ported to this rev, so that it will work with IDEdrives as either master or slave setting. 0.1.3 will also work witholder buggy drives that require CHS init to make LBA mode work.0.1.3 doesnot require a SIMM (but will work if one is installed). Only filesin the drive's root directory are played, and the drive must havea fully defragmented FAT32 filesystem.
0.1.2See 0.6.2This version is embedded in 0.6.2, and it gets run automatically ifno SIMM is installed. All six pushbuttons are implemented.Dave's play/pause fix is included, and it uses the new STA013 initcode that fixes the no-sound problems on some boards. 0.1.2 requiresa fully defragmented FAT32 filesystem.
0.1.1Image File:

Source Code:

No SIMM Required. (versions since 0.5.1also include a copy of 0.1.1 and run if the SIMM isn't detected).Minor improvements since 0.1: 'Previous' button now implemented.Partition type 0B or 0C are allowed (version 0.1 rejectedtype 0B). Serial port accepts words 'PLAY', 'NEXT', and 'PREVIOUS',and 'QUIT', to allow remote control. This version still requiresthe drive to be defragmented.
0.1Image File:

Source Code:

Initial Release. Does not use DRAM.Reads standard FAT32 partition.The filesystem must be defragmented.All MP3 files must be in the root directory. Only 'Next' and'Play/Pause' push-buttons are implemented. Plays files in theorder they appear in the directory, looping back to the firstfile after finishing the last one.

CVS Access For The Very Latest Development Source Code

If you've already checked out the source, just cd into thatdirectory and type:To check out the source for the first time, you'll need to typethese commands:
just press enter at the password prompt for anonymous access

Plans For Future Revs

Feature requests are now tracked in theBugzilla bug tracking database.
MP3 Player, Firmware Download, Paul Stoffregen.
Last updated: June 26, 2005
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