To reformat all MP3 players on this platform please do the following. Connect the MP3 player to the USB port. Double click on the MP3 player hard drive icon that appears on the desktop. Double click on Applications. Double click on Utilities. Double click on the Disk Utility Icon. Select from the Source List on the left hand side of the MP3. The Curtis Model 1313 Handheld Programmer is a powerful and intuitive programming and diagnostic tool. The 1313 performs comprehensive programming and troubleshooting tasks for all vehicles that use Curtis programmable motor controllers or control systems.
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| The code for these firmware image files are licensed underthe GNU General Public License (GPL).We believe in the philosophy ofFree Software,often also called open source software. We would like toencourage you to read the source code and modify it as you like,within the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License (GPL).Development Code (Work In Progress)Dave Gillham's automaticallyupdated firmware page allows you to obtain a ready-to-use firmware imageof the very latest developmental code.You may also obtain the very latest source code from ourCVS server (see below).Firmware DownloadAn 'Image File' is a downloadable firmware image that is encoded inIntel-Hex (.HEX extension). See thefirmware upgrade instructions.The source code is provided with a Makefile, that will buildthis Intel-Hex file.
CVS Access For The Very Latest Development Source CodeIf you've already checked out the source, just cd into thatdirectory and type:To check out the source for the first time, you'll need to typethese commands:just press enter at the password prompt for anonymous access Plans For Future RevsFeature requests are now tracked in theBugzilla bug tracking database. |