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Infix To Prefix Notation Convert Youtube To Mp3

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Best encoderformats (both audio and video) for youtube?
Recommended bitrates, codecs, and resolutions, and more
Container: .mp4
Audio Codec: AAC-LC
Channels: Stereo or Stereo + 5.1
Sample rate 96khz or 48 khz
Video Codec: H.264
Progressive scan (no interlacing)
High Profile
2 consecutive B frames
Closed GOP. GOP of half the frame rate.
Variable bitrate. No bitrate limit required
Color Space: 4.2.0
Frame rates
Content at 1080i 60, should be deinterlaced, going from 60 interlaced fields per second to 30 progressive frames per second before uploading.
Best AAC-LC encoder:
Fraunhofer FDK AAC codec library. This is currently the highest-quality AAC encoder available with ffmpeg. Requires ffmpeg to be configured with --enable-libfdk_aac (and additionally--enable-nonfree if you're also using --enable-gpl). But beware, it defaults to a low-pass filter of around 14kHz. If you want to preserve higher frequencies, use -cutoff 18000. Adjust the number to the upper frequency limit you prefer.
Which encoder should I use? What provides the best quality?
For AAC-LC the likely answer is: libfdk_aac > libfaac > Native FFmpeg AAC encoder (aac) > libvo_aacenc.
libfdk_aac has been designated as 'non-free', and you cannot download a pre-built ffmpeg that supports it.
This can be resolved by compiling ffmpeg in a terminal like this:
Update repositories:Create sourcefilefolder:

Code: Select all

Remove old precompiled version:Install some developer versions (source code) and compiler tools:

Code: Select all

Note: Check on how to install from source if any of these 3 below are not in your repositories:
1 YASM:2 libmp3lame, MP3:

Code: Select all

3 libvpx, VP8/VP9 video:H.264 video encoder:

Code: Select all

Libopus:FDK-AAC, Fraunhofer AAC audio encoder:

Code: Select all

FFMPEGReload terminal
To see current version and compiled libraries:

Code: Select all

All Codecs available:Fraunhofer libfdk_aac? H.264 libx264? Check:

Code: Select all

So, you now can combine a (upto) 96khz audio.wav file with say: a picture.
If you have some picture.jpg (or any format ffmpeg understands) you can simply convert it to a png with the maximum youtube size like this:
-y autoanswers Yes, overwrite file when asked
-i picture.jpg is the Input, picture, with format .jpg, but could be any format like .gif, .bmp, .png etc
-s 1920x1080 output size
picture.png is the output, written to a .png file in this case.
Now you can create a video.mp4 file, that you can upload to youtube, like this:
-y: overwrite? Yes.
-loop 1: loop = true for next input (the picture)
-i picture.png: input picture.png
-i audio.wav: input audio.wav
-c:a libfdk_aac: Codec for Audio uses Fraunhofer codec
-cutoff 20000: Fraunhofer cutoff value valid range is 173 - 20000, defaults to 14000 when not set
-vf fps=30: video format: frames per second to 30
-pix_fmt yuv420p: most widely recognized pixel color format
-aspect 16:9 :Set correct aspect ratio (default 4:3 gives black bands on sides)
-c:v libx264: Codec for Video uses libx264 (youtube best quality)
-shortest: stop the video when the first stream runs out (which is the audio, we loop the picture endlessly)
video.mp4: write output to video.mp4
Loop over a bunch of pictures:
Convert all pictures you want to use to fragments of video. -t 5.00 is the number of seconds. For example like this:Save to mylist.txt enough videotime to fill the audiotime with:

Code: Select all

Combine them into one single video:Now take that video, and include audio.wav to write video.mp4:

Code: Select all

Play it with vlc (or something) to check sound and picture are a good match, and upload it to youtube.
You can also download videos from youtube.Search for a nice video you want to grab a sample from, and select & copy the url, like for example:

Code: Select all

Then, inside a terminal, you can type:
yout(tab) (ctrl-shift-insert) (enter):
Which will work out as something like:
It will download the video from youtube to your /home/YOURNAME/ folder. (Note: Some videos will fail to download due to copyright restrictions I guess, leading to failure by 'secret keys missing for the file')
ConvertYou can inspect information about the video file like duration, screensize, codec used etc:

Code: Select all

To extract audio from single mp4/flv videos and convert to mp3/aac use something like this:Small script to extract audio from all videos at once:
save to /home/YOURNAME/

Code: Select all

To run: Screencast
Grab test video (size 1920x1080) from x11 (the screen)

Code: Select all

(press q to stop)
record audio:
For pulseaudio (on top of alsa):
Open pavucontrol, and include 'monitor'
Input devices: all input devices
For JACK: in patchage or qjcackctl->connections, connect all sound going to 'system' (like PulseAudio JACK Sink and/or any jack applications you have in front of system) to 'PulseAudio JACK Source'.
Record pure wavefiles from speakers:Record sound from speakers compressed with libmp3lame encoder:

Code: Select all

Or record audio compressed with Fraunhofer libfdk_aac encoder:So, to grab video and audio 'as you hear it coming from the speakers' all at once, and compress audio on the fly with Fraunhofer encoder:

Code: Select all

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But that can be too much for your machine, so perhaps its better to do in steps: First audio and video are streamed live 'raw' to disk, then edited, then tightly compressed into a mp4.A mkv can hold raw audio and video (does not apply any codec).
Now we can edit the mkv, cut out failures, add noise filter, text or effects etc. When we are happy with the result, compress it for upload to youtube:

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