If there is a need for custom grids or shapefiles. We can provide that service to you. Eventually more MGRS shapefiles will be made available on our websites for download, similar to the way the current MGRS shapefiles are available. For more information please contact us at (314) 676-9124 or email us at coordsys@nga.mil. Churchill Navigation is a dynamic organization with a heavy focus on software engineering and customer satisfaction. Our staff is comprised of 85% senior level engineers, well versed in software, hardware, aerospace design, and electronics.
8/13/2009: No longer free; there’s a subscription fee from which a small charge is deducted for every use. A free grid link is still available here for MGRS and UTM.
Earthpoint has a new beta Google Earth function – grid overlays for multiple coordinate systems:
Click the button for the desired grid KML file, and open it in Google Earth (UTM here):
As you zoom in, the grids become finer; you may have to wait a bit for the network link to catch up:
Roll your mouse over one of the “balls” defining the grid, and get a pop-up with the coordinates (and UTM zone here):
The crosshair marks the center of the display, the location for which Google Earth shows the coordinates and elevation in the bottom toolbar.
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